Tag Archives: Excitement

This Week’s Must Reads

Hello again. Welcome to a new work week. As always I like to share a summary of some of the  best articles I’ve come across in recent days (and some of my own tips and blog posts). So here we … Continue reading

Posted in Business Growth/Strategy, Culture, Customer Experience/Relationships, Innovation, Leadership/Management, Marketing/Branding, Small Business, Summaries | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Bring Excitement Back To Your Business

Some people claim that you don’t need to be passionate about a business to be able to run it. I guess that’s true to some extent – especially for a large business. You probably don’t have to be passionate about … Continue reading

Posted in Business Growth/Strategy, Culture, Customer Experience/Relationships, Leadership/Management, Small Business | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Show the Passion

Last week I talked about some reasons why your business plan might not be moving along as you want it too. (Read: Leading with Vision). One of the reasons was that, for one reason or another, you as the business’s … Continue reading

Posted in Business Growth/Strategy, Competition, Customer Experience/Relationships, Leadership/Management, Marketing/Branding, Small Business | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

6 Secrets to Help You Remain Enthusiastic About Your Business

Entrepreneurship and small-business ownership is glamorous, right? Well…..sure….ummmm……..more often than not. OK, let’s just say it and get it out in the open. Sometimes running your small business can be a real challenge. The glamor of day-to-day business – selling, … Continue reading

Posted in Business Growth/Strategy, Innovation, Leadership/Management, Small Business | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment