This We Believe

Between 2004 and 2009, National Public Radio produced an ongoing feature called “This I Believe.” It was a series of short (perhaps one-minute?) statements by people from different segments of society clearly stating how they see the world. It was interesting to hear a clear statement of someone’s worldview without the arguments, debates, rhetoric, and filters that often change the message before it arrives at its audience. You might agree with it, disagree with it, or be ambivalent about it; but you heard it. You got it. You clearly understood that person’s fundamental, core beliefs.

One of the best ways to begin thinking about your organization’s long-term strategy is to start with a simple statement: I Believe 02“We believe….”. It’s eye-opening to clearly outline the organization’s fundamental beliefs – why you are in business, what challenges you see in the world, and how you plan to solve them.

By clearly and explicitly stating “This is how we see the world and our place in it. This is why we do what we do.”, you will be bringing so much clarity to your organization and to the market you serve.

Challenge your team to complete that statement: “We believe…”. Write it down. Post it prominently in your workplace. Share it with all new and prospective employees. Share it with your customers. Have it be a part of your market messaging and brand materials.

Proudly declare to the world “These are the challenges we see in the world; and this is how we plan to solve it. This is what we are all about.”

By the way, when someone asks you about your mission; this is it.

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